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Teacher’s stage as teaching practice
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Pedagogical practice

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SENGIK, Aline Sberse; TIMM, Jordana Wruck; STOBÄUS, Claus Dieter. Teacher’s stage as teaching practice. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 4, p. 979–993, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v21i3.8652391. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article aims to reflect on the relevance of teaching internshipin teacher’s education, duringperforming a Course of Pedagogical Training orMaster/Doctorate. In this sense, it is believed that the practice carried out in the classroom by the in stageprofessional can and should best instrumentalizehe/herpedagogically. It was made an analysis based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Basic Education Teacher Training (BRAZIL, 2002), and adopted for the theoretical referential, among others, Freire (2009), Nóvoa (1995), Palombini (2004), Pimenta; Lima (2005/2006), Ramirez; Stobäus (2010), Tardif; Lessard (2005), Veiga (2010). This is a theoretical and practical reflection on teacher’s education experienced on the discipline "Supervised Stage II", at the end Special Program of Teacher Education, at the University of Caxias do Sul. The research focused on the analysis of experienced interactions of the teachers with their students, and they analyzed about the possible resistances and obstacles that these relations can cause in the classroom. Allows comments that the stage is critical in the preparation of future teachers while teaching practice, as it allows to handle (im)predictabilities involving the teaching work and integrating theories with practices, rethinking, reevaluating and giving new meaning to their actions in the classroom. Also allows (re)knowschool realities, intervene, (re)assess (personal and professional results), making it possible for this future professional to be more flexible in face of the various demands that result from teaching.
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