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Interactive virtual conversations in a Hybrid Mentoring Program
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Interactive virtual conversation
Hybrid Mentoring Program
Experienced teacher
Teacher induction

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BRAGA, Fabiana Marini; REALI, Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues; CESÁRIO, Priscila Menarin; CASTRO, Mariângela Machado de. Interactive virtual conversations in a Hybrid Mentoring Program: themes treated and approaches adopted of experienced mentor teachers. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 3, p. 712–730, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i3.8654946. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


We analyze the themes treated and the approaches adopted by experienced teachers in the role of mentors (Ms), evidenced in the virtual interactive conversations held with beginner teachers (BTs) of the Hybrid Mentoring Program (PHM), carried out by researchers from a public university. From a descriptive-analytical-exploratory study, considering the Moodle (Virtual Learning Environment as the interaction context - AVA), it was considered the interactions of three dyads (M-BT) in the initial phases of the PHM, along 6-11 months. The analysis presented refers to written narratives registered in the AVA, in a longitudinal perspective of the dialogues maintained by each dyad, considering a representational reading of the reported situations. It was identified themes and the adopted approaches by the Ms from the selection of excerpts or small "portions" of the interlocutions The results show five different approaches of interlocution used by the Ms when addressing topics such as characteristics of the PHM, its organization, and dynamics; school trajectories and previous professionals of the BTs; teacher beginning, pedagogical practices, including conceptions of teaching, student, learning, etc. These results point to a certain association of some approaches with the phase of the mentoring process experienced by the dyad, without the identification of a taxonomy between them.
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