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A “tessitura” about time and space relations in (scholar) cultural practices that reverberate effects in the curriculum
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Mathematical education
Grammatical Therapy

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CARVALHO, Juciara Guimarães; MENDES, Jackeline Rodrigues. A “tessitura” about time and space relations in (scholar) cultural practices that reverberate effects in the curriculum . ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 1, p. 231–249, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v23i1.8657043. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


This text intends to move a mesh of meanings around temporalities and spatialities in cultural (school) practices and their possible reverberations in the curriculum. To weave this mesh, the investigative plot takes place from grammatical therapy, understood as undisciplinary problematization (MIGUEL, 2015), which aims to track different cultural practices involving time and space present in life forms and, specifically, in the school life form. The problematization is part of our daily uses of doing school in school and, consequently, in school mathematics education. In this sense, the driving force of the discussion approaches Ethnomathematics, from the perspective of the counter-conduct, as a triggering agent of driving modes that are present in temporal and spatial relations in different fields of human activity. It is about going through different uses of the notions of time and space from philosophical crossings that can deconstruct the universality of these notions in our practices. Thus, we resort to the thoughts of philosophers Wittgenstein, the Philosophical Investigations, with the perspective of grammatical therapy and Foucault with the problematizations about the life span of men and the modes of production of subjectivity. They are tools that allow multiplicity to proliferate and refuse any dichotomous, dogmatic and metaphysical relationship.
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