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The use of whatsapp as a practice tool in a virtual community in an early childhood and elementary school education


Educational management

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TENÓRIO, Nelson Nunes; SARTORI, Rejane; STROZZI, Cristiane Resquiti Paulino; CALVI, Gabriel Coutinho; COST, Andréia de Cássia Goncalves. The use of whatsapp as a practice tool in a virtual community in an early childhood and elementary school education. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 4, p. 1002–1021, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v23i4.8658827. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The community of practice (CoP) is based on the interaction among its participants, which encourages them to participate in a permanent dialogue for dissemination and sharing of knowledge. In this context, the research aims to analyze the sharing of organizational culture through the creation and use of a virtual CoP in a private elementary school that used the WhatsApp application. Therefore, the methodology used is a case study, with qualitative-quantitative objectives. Qualitative because it presents an analysis of the individual's participation in the CoP and quantitative because a questionnaire was applied after the involvement of the items in the CoP to verify if there was the sharing of knowledge. The results show that the sharing of information was managed productively through the domain of elements, participation, and commitment on the part of the persons that participated in the CoP.


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