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Autonomy of college students before and during remote education
Foto de capa: Antonio Carlos Dias Júnior
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SOUZA, Rita de Cássia de; DOMINGUES, Sérgio; MELO, Carolina Silva Bandeira de; EUCLIDES, Maria Simone; CRUZ, Beatriz Monteiro da; CUNHA, Denis Antônio da. Autonomy of college students before and during remote education. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 26, n. 00, p. e024018, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v26i00.8670720. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article presents a survey carried out with 394 college students from 19 higher education, 17 institutions in the State of Minas Gerais and 2 in São Paulo, 9 private and 10 public, using a form with 52 objective questions and 6 discursive questions. Considering that students' autonomy is an important factor for learning, especially in the context of remote teaching, a discussion was held about autonomy from a relational point of view and, based on some questions selected for this analysis, it was presented, as participants studied before the remote period, if anything had changed during this period and why. The results show that undergraduate students had many difficulties with their studies during the pandemic, especially due to the distractions present when studying in the family context, with access to several other stimuli that competed for their attention, also highlighting the lack of interpersonal contact with teachers. and colleagues. Most of the learning strategies they used were learned on their own and, for them, remote teaching could harm their training, as they tried to avoid greater losses. On the other hand, they also understood that this situation affected all other college students, which made them more comfortable, in addition to considering that it was better to have remote learning than no learning, considering the atypical situation caused by the pandemic.
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