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Teacher education policies in Angola
Foto de capa: Antonio Carlos Dias Júnior
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Educational policies
Teacher training
Teaching profession

How to Cite

BRÁS, Chocolate Adão; SCAFF, Elisangela Alves da Silva. Teacher education policies in Angola: trajectory and challenges. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 00, p. e023053, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8671233. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article has as its object of study the policies developed by the Ministry of Education of Angola for the teacher training since the Constitution of the Republic promulgation, in 2010, until the approval of the Legal Regime for the Initial Training of Early Childhood Educators, of Teaching Teachers Primary and Secondary Education Teachers, in 2020. It chooses as its objective the analysis of the trajectory of the educational policy for teacher training in Angola in the announced period, with a view to identifying its developments in the field of normative prescription. This is a documentary research, developed from the survey and analysis of the Teacher Training Subsystem Statute (2011), the Basic Law of the Education and Teaching System (2016), the National Program for Training and Personnel Management Teacher (2018), culminating with the Legal Regime for the Initial Training of Early Childhood Educators, Primary School Teachers and Secondary School Teachers, published in 2020. The study aims to contribute to the identification of trajectory in the field of teacher training policies in Angola, aiming to point out the challenges that are presented in terms of implementation.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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