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From the analysis of intervention projects to the knowledge and practices of school directors and groups
Foto de capa: Antonio Carlos Dias Júnior
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School leadership
Equity and learning
Leadership training

How to Cite

LIMA, Filinto; TRINDADE, Rui; FERREIRA, Elisabete. From the analysis of intervention projects to the knowledge and practices of school directors and groups. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 00, p. e023062, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8671397. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


This article analyzes six intervention projects (IP) presented by directors of school groups in a municipality located south of Porto, during the first application for the Competition for Employment for school directors (for the four-year period 2009-2013). It reflects on the content of IPs as true individual projects of governance intentions of school educational organizations, analyzing them to the extent that they contribute to learning and social justice. This is to assume the proposal for intervention in the single-person figure of the school director (which decree-law 75/2008 proposes) and the aim is to understand what are the main concerns that guide the intervention proposed by the directors to the schools that apply, in which refers to school results as indicators against school dropout and educational success. From this perspective, we provide an overview of the interpretative analysis carried out, bringing to this text, essentially, the categories of equity and learning in the fight against failure and school dropout, in accordance with what was announced in the IP. Finally, it is hoped that this analysis can contribute with preliminary but structuring indicators on the issue of leader training in the Portuguese context.
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