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Palinological atlas of the Colonia Basin, São Paulo State, Brazil
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Atlantic Forest, pollen, Quaternary

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FERNANDEZ, Jerlin; AVILES, Adriana Mercedes Camejo; RICARDI-BRANCO, Fresia Soledad Torres; LEDRU, Marie-Pierre; GARCIA, Ricardo J. Francischetti; JURIGAN, Isabela. Palinological atlas of the Colonia Basin, São Paulo State, Brazil. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 17, n. 00, p. e021030, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/td.v17i00.8666074. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Palynological studies are based on the identification of fossil pollen grains and spores compared with modern types. Our objective was to develop a palynological atlas of native flora located in the Colônia Basin. For the construction of the species list, we used published botanical surveys of the place. All taxa were collected at the Herbarium UEC/Unicamp. Our material was processed using the acetolysis technique and slides were mounted with glycerine for microscopical observation. Pollen grains from 77 species were recovered, representing most families present in and around the Colônia Basin. The pollen grains were described, considering morphological aspects in addition to their photographic record on the polar and equatorial axis, along with the ecological aspects of the species. The present atlas will assist in identifying the fossil pollen rate observed in the Quaternary palynological records that are in progress in the Colonia basin.
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