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The educative aims and the teachers training in Brazil
Foto de capa: Antonio Carlos Dias Júnior
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Educational objectives
Core curriculum
Teacher training

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LIBÂNEO, José Carlos; SANTOS, Fabiano Antonio dos; MARQUES, Hellen Jaqueline. The educative aims and the teachers training in Brazil: for a school socially fair. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 00, p. e023061, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8671371. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 may. 2024.


This article investigates the relationship between the content of the Resolution CNE/CP n.2/2019, whiches defines the National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Teachers Training for Basic Education and establishes the BNC-Training, and the global conflict around school educative aims. The educative aims compose a group of assumptions and actions that indicate the courses adopted by the education systems in the implementation of education policies. Since their formulation results from philosophical and evaluatings orientations, with strong ideological impregnation, they involve disputes between different interests in relation to the purposes and functions of school and the role of school knowledge in human formation, with obvious implications for the teacher education system. At present, on one side, it can be seen the neoliberal orientation expressed in documents from International Organizations focused on education for results based on competencies and skills in function of the market; on the other side, the humanizing and emancipating orientation of an education focused on the full development of human capacities, based on cultural and scientific education. Thus, it is about problematizing the content of the mentioned resolution and seeking the formulation of another school and professional teacher education project in the direction of a humanizing and emancipating education proposal focused on human development. The investigation of this problem was realized through bibliographic and documental research. The results show the effective opposition between two conceptions of school, curriculum and teachers training with the predominance of the neoliberal perspective.
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